Everett Woodworking

Woodworking & Design

What is something you do all the time, but may not be aware of?
It's Listening.
While in the womb...we were listening.

My deeper interest in listening began when I dipped my toes, then immersed myself full body, into learning and teaching Nonviolent Communication. I was profoundly changed by seeing and practicing different ways of listening.

Then more recently, during the pandemic, someone I generally didn't listen to, and honestly didn't like, said something that resonated as truth to me. In that moment a few walls came tumbling down. I saw my limitations in how, who, what, and where I was listening.

The questions I share in this course continue to mentor me and I am wondering with awe, if listening is much more essential to this transformational time than ever imagined.

What is the Course?

The Unheard of Importance of Listening offers you a possibility to consider who you were, who you are, and who you are becoming through the eyes of listening.

An opportunity to place both focused and expansive attention on this elemental quality. This is not labor intensive. Think floating down a river, with the occasional ripple, rapid, and eddies.

The exquisite aliveness that can unfurl through listening...to others, the more than human world, and to yourself...with new eyes is something you must experience to truly get.

What can it mean for you?

  • you'll gain insight into how life is reflected and affected by your listening.
  • you'll feel the power of questions to create deep inner changes.
  • you'll clarify the benefits of listening to your body and heart.
  • you'll touch the nuanced connection between well-being and listening.
  • you'll begin to sense your truths and beliefs differently.
  • you'll have a fresh taste of what it means to be curious and compassionate and how that supports you, especially in difficult moments.

If you are anything like me, this will lead you to accessing more vitality, creativity, care, and continued growth in turning towards compassionate curiosity!

How does the course work?

The course is delivered to you in 9 separate lessons. It will come to your inbox! Each week delves into a question/s (with prompts) about listening. Through a short video I'll share a story, perspective, or how it's made a difference in my life, and remind you of ways to hold, explore and share the question/s each week!

What is Tiered Payment?

I want our courses and our work to be available to all who desire to have them. I know that not everyone has the same financial means. So, I created a tiered payment system. The descriptions are a map for you to find where you fit. Not exact or perfect. Trust your heart!

Your cup is FULL: You may own your home or could easily qualify for a mortgage. You make, or have enough resources to meet all your basic needs, plus extras without feeling stressed. If you are retired you have a pension or a solid retirement fund. You may travel long distances regularly. You may have a three to six month safety net saved. You may have debt but that debt comes from choices in investing in yourself or family members. You have extra at the end of the month. You will likely inherit wealth.
Consider your course price: $50 - $99

Your cup is OVERFLOWING:

You may own more than one piece of property (commercial or private). You likely have or will inherit family wealth. You can travel overseas and you do so. You may take more than one or two breaks/vacations/retreats a year. You dine out regularly or you could. You hire others to take care of some of your needs (house cleaner, gardener, virtual assistant, accountants etc). You have wealth and income. (retirement income counts).
Consider: $100 - $151

Your cup is LOW:
You live off your paychecks. You may or may not have a three month savings for emergencies. You haven't accrued a lot, or any wealth/property. You may be a single parent. You may not own a home. You are employed or retired. You may work more than forty hours a week, or more than one job. You may be under 35. You may have debt due to education, healthcare, family responsibilities etc. You will likely not inherit wealth.

Consider: $19 - $49

Join me

If you've read all the way down to here...sending a mile of smiles!

I humbly invite you to purchase 'The Unheard of Importance of Listening'.

The intention in this offering is to honor the complexity of our humanity and the intra-connectivity in and between us.

Here's to embracing humility as a strength, and with curiosity, care, and a widely expansive listening body to becoming co-stewards (along with the more than human world) of a world that works for all.

Ready to engage in the course? This button will take you to the payment page:

Join me! Invite someone to join you. Families can do this together as well. Children are encouraged and more than welcome. Or simply send some love for this particular spark on it's way out into the universe!
I can already imagine the possibilities...


See you in the course!

Acknowledgements: Casey Davis for her collaboration, creatrix being, and deep friendship. Sheryl Bernstein for the zoom conversations that became these videos, her tech support and her enthusiasm for these wonderings. Karen Ruane for the art. All my mentors seen and unseen, human and more. And to my framily who listen to my passionate musings. And you. Love.

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